The International Federation (IF) Forum is a 3-day in-person event offering targeted thematic sessions designed to be of specific value to the International Sport Federations’ in attendance. In addition, we have a limited amount of commercial partners for this exclusive event.

The IF Forum is not open to the public or press/media. The IF Forum is an invite-only event with attendees including: International Sport Federations, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), high profile guest speakers and exclusive IF Forum partners.

The IF Forum 2024, under the theme “Ensuring your IF is match fit and future-ready,” will delve into key topics of the moment, including the significant impact that AI is already having on how IFs operate—from judging technology to back office administration—and the pressures that all IFs face as they are squeezed between increasingly fragile revenues on one hand and an ever-expanding list of demands on their resources on the other, particularly those related to maintaining their social licenses to operate. The IF Forum will also examine current challenges in anti-doping and recent advancements in athlete health, especially through the application of new technology.

On the last day of the event the focus will be on AI, including case studies from IFs and presentations from industry experts. A series of presentations, panel sessions and interactive workshops dedicated to sustainability will be hosted in conjunction with the IOC.

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